Illustrations | Comics | Costumes | SFX
X-Men: Rogue and Bishop [2014]
Photo: Marvel Comics
Roller Derby Rogue 2016
I really enjoy the Rogue costume. It's very colourful and the mobility is the easiest. The hardest part is that I am covered head to toe with only my face exposed. I wanted to be able to wear this costume in warmer weather and not pass out. I had seen artists draw roller derby versions of several Marvel characters. The only items I reuse from the regular costume are the corset, wig, and utility belt. I remade what was the initial jumpsuit as a shirt and shorts. Remade a new pair of gloves but fingerless this time around. I painted a pair of skates, helmet, and pads. The socks were dyed and the stripes were painted. |
Rogue was all handmade. Boots and jacket were purchased and altered. Wig bought and styled. Bishop was mostly altered. Shirt and glove were bought and altered. Gun and cape/poncho were made. |
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